KEMMLIT Greenline

4/22/2021 12:00:00 AM

A step towards sustainability


People use too much energy, consume too much water and release too much CO2 into the atmosphere. This makes it clear that we use more resources than the earth can handle. Therefore, not only individuals, but also companies have to take responsibility for the environment. The earth does not only belong to us but also all other living things like the animals and plants. 

We create sustainability by not only paying attention to our energy and pollutant consumption, but also using certified individual components for our products.


DIN EN ISO 14001: sustainable thinking and acting.

KEMMLIT is certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001 and is now also focusing on environmental management.

The ISO 14001 standard specifies requirements for an environmental management system that enables a company to improve its environmental performance, fulfill legal and other obligations, and achieve environmental objectives. The central components of DIN EN ISO 14001 are:

- Planning: Definition of environmental goals that the company is pursuing including measures

- Implementation: implementation of the measures

- Control: verification of the achievement of objectives

- Improvement: adaptation of the measures
